Thursday, November 26, 2009

happy thanksgiving people!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I guess it is just a heads up for all the people that in hawaii, my mom is deploying on friday to go to Iraq. I guess, you can go onto facebook to tell her hi or... text her since i bet joyce still has her number -.-

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Bleh... That is all i have to say in my brain.. just bleh...

Have you ever just wandered through your mind and was surprised as to what you have found? Like, you never knew that you had the opinion or described something, or commented on it?

Idk... more like a blurb i guess....... um.... so yeah...... vina.. me talky to youy pleasy... comprendey?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mint ice cream and Salsa

I don't know why, but i feel like i need to let something out. Something that has been boiling up inside for the past two day. But the thing is, i have no clue as to what it is. I shouldn't be feeling like this cause i am happy. Really happy... but yet for the past two days i felt like... a sloth. Just going around and doing nothing. I just don't get it. Im not due... so what is it? Maybe my mind in really going numb and is messing with my entire body functions...

okay that did not sound right at all.
Maybe its because it is sunday and sundays are left to watch soap operas while eating ice cream out of the tube while having your homework stare at you and you get paranoid but soon forget it cause you have ice cream. Actually salsa and mint ice cream does sound good.....
Okay im getting off topic here. Ugh, not even linkin park is Cheering me up. Not even Mike Shinoda. What is the world coming to?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Glogster OMB

Okay, so brit sent me this link about this cute and adorable list:

And after looking at some of them,.. they are so adorable and i was thinking of maybe doing a ASFAAWBFFE?

Well while you think about that...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hmmm.... 4 day week in Hawaii?

Well it's been official. The blog has been compromised. And no, i am not going to censor things cause then this blog with get boring... and we don't want that do we?! Before we get into other news.. I saw this on chief Delphi and it has been saying that they are doing 4 day week for school year. Is that true??? I need an answer cause that is beyond terrible during the robotics 4 week build. Let me know please..

So back to other things...
  1. I am happy cause I finally resolved (kinda) that situation.. you know who i am talking to..
  2. Well... ahem.. um yeah... uh.. lets see of i can put it in metaphorical terms... When ever anna goes to church and does the (i know she doesn't but if she was more influence by mwah then maybe she would give up on this karma and finally come to the dark side *shows cookies*) un saintly matt thing then hung out with me afterwards then force the brain to be unleashed! MWAHAHAHAHAH
Did anyone get that?


Anyways... ah remember the Chris Brown Song "With You" And the total hate of it.. and how is can burn in hell? Ah...its stuck in my head....

Sunday, September 20, 2009

.... who is this person...?



well whatever i give up.. and

ps.. if you wanna know more look at sophmore giggles..

.... Potatoe

Im going to kill you.... :)))



Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nina read this post before you delete it.

I want to apologize. Apologize a thousand times. I am so sorry. i was wrong. i shouldn't have said those things about your friends. I was very wrong..

I miss you. I heart breaks everytime you don't answer me or snub me. I realize deep down inside how rude i was. and i am sooooo sorry. i will do anything in my power to make you forgive me. Even if it means to go on national tv and apologize. I am sorry. I just don't us to end up like how you and joyce are or even worse.




Thursday, September 10, 2009


i need help. My dad is friken being irrating. Cause like, for all my work.. i can't go to bed at 930 every night. I have to stay up very late... and doesn't get that concept. Got any idea's besides killing him to get him to understand?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ah, well another weekend has past and yet i am still smitten with him. OMB, like he is sweet, funny, warm. I mean, he said he didn't want to kiss me cause he didn't want me to get sick. (that failed anyways...) but like we were cuddling while watching the movie and i love his arms. He would just hold me during the movie and yeah :D ...

I know nina is like gah! i didn't want to hear that but i need someone to let it all out. When ever i am with him he makes me smile. A real smile and i haven't done that since i have seen you guys. And this wednesday is the two (never been) months.. i hope that this will be it and he doesn't break up with me two minutes before midnight ><

Sunday, August 23, 2009

OMB ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

School.... here..... in twelve hourse and two minutes......O.O

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ah, still on cloud nine ^^

Ah,... you want to know about the date... call me >-<

Saturday, August 8, 2009

You know what I hate?... ><

Ah, and here comes the time in a military's child's life where once again she misses her asfaawbbfe's. Yes, i admit, i miss you guys so much. I rarely talk to you guys. I know since the time zone and the fact that you already started school is here. But, it won't stop me from complaining that i can't replace you guys. I still have flashbacks at sitting is sakayue's room eating lunch, and laughing at something twilight or in the mornings where me and nina sneak up upon him. I remember when me and joyce would play with Tom. And Anna, german, may i need to say more? And Andrew with his jazz hands.( in a monotone voice ^^). We were a group of no other. Just today i was complaining to Jesus that i miss the Asfaawbffe's. He thought i was crazy. Like i was drunk. Most of the people think i AM crazy. I just have character :).

Which also leaves me to another delimma.( which i know i didn't spell right) Should i keep the blog for another year or let it reminisce in it's glory? It is up to you guys, cause i can't write without someone reading it. A simple comment is all in order. Cause since my mom is deploying i need a outlet that actually understands what i am saying. They still, after one year, giving me weird looks. Of course, i will have some new things to say and have other people that are actually worthy of reading this on here too.

So here is the final verdict. Shall i? Will I? Can I? You decide!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Hey i am like bored... so... i will be on meebo... later.. for the rest of the week...

Friday, July 10, 2009

wow never saw that coming...!

Okay, you guys know about the whole jesus ordeal right? well, we were going out july 9 that morning. That afternoon i found out that he is staying in virginia. (so i need ninja skills to help kidnap him) But we agree to a long distance relationship. I know a friend who is currently in a long distance so i can get advice. He really wants me. So i agreed. But i am still cautious. We can talk and stuff and he says he trusts me in a way.  What do you guys think??? and Welcome angel to the blogging group!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


ugh... i need a break...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I am a horrible person

I know, i know i promised that i would post (like around the beginning of june) but things again have been hectic. For instance, nina, my mom, and lani are plotting against me. OBD again. For all that don't understand talk to nina cause it is very hard to word and will take all night writing it. Anyways... also i am sorry vina about autumn wind.. i have to transfer my stuff to my mac so it is lost in the clutter but i did write you can't say that i forgot.Summer school is so boring. I have economics and i swear to god i will never look at money again. It is more dry than sakayue..more dry than the gobi desert.Anyways.. i need your opinion on this and i expect a long answer. If two people tell each other than they like each other does that mean they are going out?

Monday, May 18, 2009


hopefully i will get around to actually posting those pictures of my letterman soon.. just been so... walter lately. I need... that new laptop that i am going to get for my birthday.. getting a MAC .... be quiet to all those who oppose.. MACs are capable of doing the same things as a pc. -_- anyways... i am bored so i thought i say something.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I am getting my letterman on May 13^^

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It has been a while...

Well, hello! I know that i haven't update in like since april 11 but hey.. things happen! Anyways.. i was thinking (which we all know that isn't a good thing><) that i need your help on something. Music wise.. not personal problems or my insanity. I have been gathering a lot of music to a point where it doesn't all fit my ipod so... i need your help in narrowing it down.. so far.. my limitations are that.. all my classical music stays.. and of course linkin park :). But what about the rest? You guys know my estension of my ipod.. to a point of course. so here is what i want to know.. FROM EVERYONE.. including YOU.. YES YOU......
So here it goes:
Top 5 artist
Number one song
Number one album
and 5 songs that you can't go with out..

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am irrated so i am going to write to you guys. I have to write a paper for bio and we get to choose our topics. So i decided to write it on the bacteria and viral infections on the organ systems. So today, i started writing it. The references that i am using is my moms microbiology book. And this is where is gets nasty. I written i good page worthy and my mom is again trying to write my paper. Ever since i hit middle school she always didn't like how i wrote my paper and wrote is for me by her standards. And it just peeves me. I am a good writer. So what if it doesn't go by how you would have written it?? She says that i am going all over the place and that i have no idea what i am writing about and that i should write it the way she thinks i should. I mean, here is a brief piece of it:

There are three kinds of bacteremia; transient, continuous, and intermittent. Transient bacteremia occurs either spontaneously or something minor. Some other conditions could be messing with infected tissues, instrumentation of contaminated mucosal surfaces and surgery with nonsterile sites and instruments. On the other hand, continuous bacteremia is released at a constant rate. Intermittent bacteremia can be found with hosts that have undrained abscesses.
There are two ways the blood stream can get infect. It is either intravascular or extravascular. However, fungemia could be either. Intravascular infections originate in the cardiovascular system. They include infective endocarditis , mycotic aneurysm, supportive thrombophlebiti, and IV catheter-associated bactermia. These are contiuous bacteremia and extremely life threatening. These infections are able to gain access the blood by the increasing use of the IV catheters, and intra-arterial lines. For example, staphylococcus epidermidis has increased the cause of infection in hospital eniviroment.

and she says that it is too all over the place. And the thing is.. she didn't even read the whole paper before she started critizing it.
anyways.. on a lighter note... hey anna...finished your little section of Autumn wind yet???

Monday, April 6, 2009

Twiiter.. anyone interested???

Wow... it's ... weird o.0 ... yeah.. anyone want to try... idk.. it is weird.. my user name is somber_apathy... <- you know what that means right??? i have to get a new email now.. :(...hmm

Friday, April 3, 2009

loi... Jesus is evil ^^

Ah.. the last post.. long story. Cause lets say that i technically didn't write it. Yes, it was Jesus . :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm killng Jesus Palos in Killeen Tx, ergo, if you find said male dead, it was me

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Annexation : how it done.
Overthrow of the monarchy:
Then statehood

“Their goal, for now, was to "reform" the monarchy”() but to the people of Hawaii, it didn’t seem like the greatest thing. The Native Hawaiians looked up to their Leaders with great respect and aloha. Kalakaua and Lili`uokalani were well-educated, intelligent, skilled in social graces, and above all, they were deeply concerned about the well-being of the Hawaiian people and maintaining the independence of the kingdom.
The league's more drastic members preferred the king's abdication ( one even proposed assassination). They would allow the king to remain on the throne with his power limited by a new constitution. If he refused to comply, they would resort to dethroning him. Many Hawaiian League members belonged to a volunter militia, the Honolulu Rifles, which was officially in service to the Hawaiian government, but was secretly the league's military arm.
Kalakaua was obligated to accept a new Cabinet composed of league members, who presented their constitution to him for his signature at `Iolani Palace. The king argued and protested, but finally signed the Bayonet Constitution. As one Cabinet member noted, "Little was left to the imagination of the hesitating and unwilling sovereign, as to what he might expect in the event of his refusal to comply with the demands made upon him." ()
The Bayonet Constitution greatly reduced the king's power, making him just a symbol to be shown to the public. It placed the actual executive power in the hands of the Cabinet.
Another purpose for the Bayonet Constitution was to remove the Native Hawaiian majority's dominance at the polls and in the Legislature.
The Hawaiians persistently opposed the decrease of their voice in governing their own country and resented the decline of the monarch's powers and how their king was force and blacked mail into the Bayonet Constitution . The self-styled Reform Cabinet responded that only an act of the Legislature could do this - though their new constitution had never been put to a vote.

In 1889 a young part-Hawaiian named Robert W. Wilcox staged an uprising to overthrow the Bayonet Constitution. He led some 80 men, Hawaiians and Europeans, with arms purchased by the Chinese, in a predawn march to `Iolani Palace with a new constitution for Kalakaua to sign. The king was away from the palace, and the Cabinet called out troops who forcibly put down the insurrection. He was tried for conspiracy, Wilcox was found not guilty by a jury of Native Hawaiians, who considered him a folk hero.

Like her brother, the new queen was childless. She named as her successor to the throne her niece, Princess Ka`iulani, who was away at school in London.
Lili`uokalani's husband, John Dominis, an American sea captain's son, died just seven months after she became queen.
She would soon face a formidable threat to the monarchy and the independence of the kingdom. In early 1892 Lorrin Thurston and a group of like-minded men, mostly of American blood, formed an Annexation Club, plotting the overthrow of the queen and annexation to the United States. They kept the organization small and secret - wisely, since they were talking treason.
Thurston went to Washington to promote annexation, and received an encouraging message from President Benjamin Harrison: "You will find an exceedingly sympathetic administration here."
In Honolulu, Hawaiians spoke out strongly for their monarchy and presented numerous petitions to the Legislature to replace the Bayonet Constitution, to no avail.
The queen had also been deluged with petitions for a new constitution, signed by an estimated two-thirds of the kingdom's voters, and she boldly prepared to act on their wishes. In her book, Hawai`i's Story by Hawai`i's Queen , she noted, "The right to grant a constitution to the nation has been, since the very first one was granted, a prerogative of the Hawaiian sovereigns."
On Jan. 14, the first of four crucial days in Hawai`i's history, the queen presided at noon over the legislative session's closing ceremonies at the Government Building. She then walked across the street to `Iolani Palace for a more significant ceremony. She was about to proclaim a new constitution which she had written, restoring power to the throne and rights to the Native Hawaiian people.
The Royal Hawaiian Band played as the queen's invited guests, including diplomats, legislators and Hawaiian petitioners, assembled in the throne room, and a large crowd of Native Hawaiians gathered on the palace lawn.
As the audience waited, the queen argued heatedly with her Cabinet, who refused to sign her new constitution, fearing her enemies would use it as a pretext to challenge her. They finally persuaded her to defer action on it.
The queen addressed the guests in the throne room, and the crowd on the palace grounds, telling them that she was ready to promulgate a new constitution, but yielding to the advice of her ministers, was postponing it to some future day.
Alerted earlier of the queen's intention by two of her Cabinet members, the Annexation Club sprang into action. A 13-member Committee of Safety was chosen to plan the overthrow of the queen and the establishment of a provisional government. As they plotted revolution, they claimed that the queen, by proposing to alter the constitution, had committed ''a revolutionary act."
The American warship USS Boston was in port at Honolulu Harbor. With an eye toward landing troops, Lorrin Thurston and two others called upon the American minister in Hawai`i, John L. Stevens, an avowed annexationist. Stevens assured them he would not protect the queen, and that he would land troops from the Boston if necessary "to protect American lives and property." He also said that if the revolutionaries were in possession of government buildings and actually in control of the city, he would recognize their provisional government.
The next day, Jan. 15, Thurston told the queen's Cabinet that the Committee of Safety would challenge her.
In an effort to stave off the mounting crisis, the queen issued a proclamation declaring that she would not seek to alter the constitution except by constitutional means. Unsuccessfully, she sought Minister Stevens' assurance that he would support her government against armed insurrection. The kingdom's marshal proposed declaring martial law and arresting the Committee of Safety, but the Cabinet feared this would lead to armed conflict, and Lili`uokalani wished to avoid bloodshed.
On Jan. 16, several hundred Native Hawaiians and other royalists gathered peaceably at Palace Square in support of the queen, expressing loyalty to the monarchy, and carefully avoiding saying anything inflammatory.
Simultaneously, at the mass meeting called by the Committee of Safety at the armory, the speeches were incendiary. Lorrin Thurston vehemently denounced the queen and asked the crowd to empower the committee to act as it deemed necessary. The resolution passed amid cheers. No one had mentioned overthrowing the monarchy, but the unspoken was apparently understood by all.
The Committee of Safety delivered a letter to Minister Stevens requesting him to land troops from the Boston, stating that "the public safety is menaced and life and property are in peril."
At 5 that afternoon, 162 fully armed troops from the Boston came ashore. A few of the marines were posted at the American Consulate and Legation, but the main body of troops marched through downtown Honolulu past `Iolani Palace. They were quartered less than a block from the Government Building and the palace. While the troops were ordered ashore ostensibly "to protect American lives and property," their placement close to the palace was threatening. Members of the queen's Cabinet hastened to Stevens to protest the troops' presence, but it made no difference.
The Committee of Safety had initially proposed that Thurston head the government, but he said he was considered such a ,"radical mover" it would be better to choose someone more conservative. They then offered the presidency to Sanford B. Dole, another of the "mission boys," as Thurston called them. Dole had declined to take part in the revolution except for drafting documents. Rather than abolishing the monarchy, he favored replacing the queen with a regency holding the throne in trust until Princess Ka'iulani came of age. Still, he accepted the presidency and submitted his resignation as a justice in Hawai`i's Supreme Court.
On Jan. 17, Dole gave Stevens a letter from Thurston, asking for his recognition of the provisional government, which was planned to be proclaim at three that afternoon. They also had luck. Just as Dole and the Committee of Safety were about to set out to take possession of the Government Building, Hawaiian police halted a wagon loaded with arms for the insurgents, and the driver shot a policeman in the shoulder. (This was the only blood shed during the revolution.) The sound of the shot drew a crowd, including the policemen who had been keeping an eye on the Committee of Safety, and in the confusion, they walked to the Government Building unnoticed.
The building was unguarded and nearly deserted, and few people heard the proclamation that was read from its steps, declaring the end of the monarchy and the establishment of a provisional government as an interim measure until annexation to the United States could be achieved. The American troops were lined up nearby. Minister Stevens immediately, and prematurely, recognized the provisional government.
On Jan. 17, 1893, at dusk, Queen Lili`uokalani yielded her throne under protest, with these words:
"I, Lili`uokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom.
"That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose Minister Plenipotentiary, His Excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the said Provisional Government.
"Now, to avoid any collision of armed forces and perhaps loss of life, I do, under this protest, and impelled by said forces, yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representative and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands."
The queen surrendered Hawai`i's sovereignty not to the revolutionaries but to the "superior force of the United States of America" -- temporarily, she believed -- confident that the American government would restore her to the throne.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bleeding Love For The Broken Hearted..

My heart is bleeding.. on the love, and happynes, and the pain..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's easier to run

On thursday, march 12, after 5 weeks together, me and cody broke up. You wanna know why? Because and i quote " I am too ubermature". Yeah,... i found out by my roommate's phone cause he was texting her about me and his relationship and how he need to find out how to break up with me. And not only that he was trying to get with her. :( how fucked up is that? And after dealing with all the pain,.. we had a chance to make it into the finals but the stupid team lied infront of our faces breaking a promise on live telivision.

I repeat.. this week has been fucked up

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What do you think?

"1.) An inexplainable yet incredibly strong feeling for someone...Most people use the word "love" to get into someone else's pants. Love is overused in today's world, people say they love someone because of the way they look or their body. That isn't love. Love is when you can't do anything without thinking about that person, you always want to be with them. It's not that you want to have sex with them, you just want to spend time with them and you just want to hold them and never let go. Love can be fooling, you can think you're in love and it can lead to the most horrible feeling in the world. Also you can wait so long for someone, loving them, and waiting for them to love you back, but they don't return it for a long time and you spend years thinking and thinking and it tears you up inside but when that person realizes that they love you back it's miraculous. Love is a very strong word, don't overuse it."
I found this quote somewhere over the rainbow and it really stood out at me.
Why you ask?
Well, think about it. Who do you love that isn't related to you ( and be honest ^^) ? What is love? Personally, I believe love as a mental emotional that evolves over time. It is something that happens in the mind and works its way into your nervous system.
But I am being hypocritcal. The time it takes to evolves is a variable. I mean, what if that whole mental time can take two days? Two weeks? We of course have read it in Twilight. And read the miraculousy transition...
Onto other things.. i want any open debate about a certain topic. I was just curious and want to know what you think.

Sex. The drive of the physical world today. If you loved someone and thought you were "ready", would you give that person all you had? Would you rather have sex after marriage? Do you think society is pressuring teenagers?

I would love to hear what you guys have to say to this. And as a disclaimer " NO THIS ISN'T RELATED TO MY LIFE."

Friday, February 20, 2009

My favorite Youtube video

Saturday, February 14, 2009

He is my strength

I don't know if you remember this, but do you remember when i got grounded on the last week of school last year? Do you remember the reason? If not, well i got grounded because I was taking some of my dad's happy pills. I was using them to clear my head. It is just at times when i was thinking to much to almost pain. I couldn't stop it.
Well, because of the issues with Cody and Sara i had a need to stop my head from hurting. I tried everything. Coffee, sugar, even linkin Park. But it got so bad that i felt a need. A want. A desire.
I didn't take it.
I talked to kate about it. She is the one who understand the filter i needed for my head. And she helped calm me down. While i was in the process of calling her Cody came outside to see what i was up to. Earlier in the day, i have been giving him space. He had a lot on his mind.
He wanted to know what was up with me. I couldn't tell him. Well, he knows about the thing since he read my story "Could you do it?". I just couldn't tell him in the face cause then i would start crying and i hate it when people see me cry. I don't want people to see me as weak.
Later that day, he text me about what happen. And i told him that i am stopping myself because of him.
He is my strength. I don't want to hurt him. That is the last thing i ever want to do.

Cody is my strength.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


here you go nina, I had to fight lani to get this video.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Leave a post

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" >

Just a preview

Since you guys want to know what he looks like. And i am posting some vids later

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Cookie

this is my cookie! If you know what i mean :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

... :)

Well, i finally allowed "someone" to view my blog. Well, not this one yet, the other one. I have to say, this blog has been a diary for me for the past year. And i want to thank each an everyone of you who posted and contribute to Road Writer. I feel so proud. Sophmore thoughts and giggles has been going on for three years now.

Friday, February 6, 2009


okay, and the wait is over:
my day started off okay. I was trying my "let the pieces fall" and don't worry about anything. then after school i came into the classroom all happy because i really did feel happy. (we had a early out day.) So as i was walking in Jessica and Lani decide to be real funny.
jess: Looks like someone is happy.
Me: Yup i am
Lani: I bet she did something
Me: no i am just happy (seriously i didn't do anything)
Jess: Oh know, don't worry, we know.
Lani: oh yeah
Me: I did nothing!
Jess: Uh huh sure. WE know you did.
Me: I but i really did nothing!!! I am happy cause i am happy.
Jess: We know you don't have to lie. Even cody knows.
Me: what??? (cody heard his name being called)
COdy: what? i hear my name/
Lani: See even cody knows
Me: I did nothing!!
Cody: What did you do/
Lani: Risa Got "Lucky" ( at that point i knew i was going to kill them)
Cody: With who?
Me: Nobody!!
Lani: Yes you did. YOU got lucky imagitively. You know what i mean
Me: ( i know finally got what they were saying. It meant that i was daydreaming about cody in some way...) oh! Well... now that you said that. Yes i have.
Cody: With who?
Me : no one
Jess: it is the person that she likes
Cody: which is who??
Me: Someone.
Cody: Who?
Me: someone.

Then we had to get to work so he couldn't ask again. But then, 30 minutes later....

Cody:Pisst marisa... come here
me: what??
He wrote on word three questions:
1. you like someone (yes)
2. is it someone is robotics?? ( yes)
3. is it me...? ( this wasn't the fully question cause he deleted it before i could read all of it.
then he asked me again who i like over and over and all i told him was that i couldn't tell him. ( sad i know *tear)
So then he had to leave to go to a doctor app.
Then Jessica had to ask me a question. Apparentlly, she gave cody my number so he could text me. (the traitor!!!) and so he sent me a text saying:
"about the third question, i aske dif you like me cause i migh feel the same , hypothetically"
so i text back with a big smile on my face
"I just used that so i didn't get put down if i was wrong and it wasn't me. But yes i do like you, ur beautiful, i love how i can be loud and sily and you don't seem to mind"
then i respond that i like him too
Another text of his was:
"thank you that so ice same with me. your beautiful and nice and have a great personalitly. id love to spend a whote day next to you which can do whenever you want."
Is it me your does he sound a but like matt?? Huh? ANNA!
And i as a bonus treat, here is our chat log:

19:57] mizuderstoodgirl: olha[19:57] ellisc7458: hey baby[19:57] mizuderstoodgirl: :) that is early.. [19:57] mizuderstoodgirl: 2 1/ hours![19:58] ellisc7458: i know lol but i go to tutorin lol and chill [19:58] mizuderstoodgirl: wow[19:59] ellisc7458: ya i know lol im lookin forward to first we never have to leave each others side[19:59] mizuderstoodgirl: except for when we get to the hotel[20:00] ellisc7458: no we can chill there to right untill midnight [20:00] mizuderstoodgirl: fine with me then.. i don' need to sleep... just lots coffee :) it is going to be dffernt going to a different regiona;[20:01] mizuderstoodgirl: all i would see is white people.. tall white people...[20:01] ellisc7458: all because they think we gonna do the do or somthin lol ya same here we always go to huston but we should be able to win theres only 3 other vetran teams lol[20:02] ellisc7458: lmao where exactly did you use to live i forget all i remember is your school site filtered as porn lmao[20:02] mizuderstoodgirl: i hope we win..[20:02] mizuderstoodgirl: ... -_-[20:02] mizuderstoodgirl: hawaii[20:03] mizuderstoodgirl: when i first got off the plain in Dallas the first thing that came out of my mouth is "So many white people!!!! I am blind"[20:03] mizuderstoodgirl: the only really white person i knowit hawaii in my big brother TOM[20:03] ellisc7458: me 2 then we can spend another long time together on the way to nationals lmao haha not like that at school tho lol[20:03] ellisc7458: lol\[20:04] mizuderstoodgirl: yeah.. i feel racist[20:04] mizuderstoodgirl: loi[20:04] ellisc7458: lol how so u go with me im white and native american lol[20:04] ellisc7458: mostly white tho only 1/8 native american'[20:05] mizuderstoodgirl: ..... i am not against white people.. i am half white. it is just the comment seemed racist. :)[20:05] mizuderstoodgirl: native american?[20:05] mizuderstoodgirl: really?[20:05] mizuderstoodgirl: cool.[20:05] ellisc7458: lmao [20:05] ellisc7458: ya [20:06] ellisc7458: cheroke blackfoot[20:06] mizuderstoodgirl: .... i know cheroke but blackfoot is where you lost me.[20:07] ellisc7458: lmao its a branch from chr\erokee nation originated when trail of tears came about and they branched off to oklahoma [20:07] mizuderstoodgirl: i bet your homestate is oklahoma....? :)[20:07] mizuderstoodgirl: i used to live at fort sill[20:08] ellisc7458: yes it is =] go back there all the time to visit my sister and neice and rest of family lol[20:08] ellisc7458: born and raised till 4th grade in norman[20:08] ellisc7458: i brb got 2 brush my teeth and crap lol[20:09] mizuderstoodgirl: loi[20:09] mizuderstoodgirl: k[20:09] ellisc7458: not literally crap lmao just other stuff that sounded weird lol[20:09] mizuderstoodgirl: LOI[20:09] ellisc7458: haha\[20:09] mizuderstoodgirl: k[20:12] ellisc7458: back lol[20:12] ellisc7458: wats loi btw ?[20:13] mizuderstoodgirl: Laughing on the inside[20:13] ellisc7458: oh lol i feel dumb now [20:13] mizuderstoodgirl: cause really, you can't laugh outloud while typing...[20:13] ellisc7458: nice[20:13] mizuderstoodgirl: yeah.. that sentence didn't come out right[20:14] ellisc7458: haha[20:14] mizuderstoodgirl:[20:15] ellisc7458: FAIL[20:15] mizuderstoodgirl: i laugh everytime.. oh the pain..!![20:16] ellisc7458: i would totally love to give you a massage right now or anytime you want[20:17] ellisc7458: apperantly im frickin amazing[20:17] mizuderstoodgirl: well.. my neck still hurts.... :)[20:17] ellisc7458: what happened baby?[20:18] ellisc7458: and ill help you out with that in the morning for as long as you want[20:18] mizuderstoodgirl: I think i have been slepping wrong. and i will take that offer.[20:19] ellisc7458: lol downloading stepbrothers borat accepted and pinapple express right now lol[20:19] ellisc7458: ^.^ and i will happily ablige [20:19] ellisc7458: (idk how to spell it lol)][20:19] mizuderstoodgirl: acepted is a gay movie[20:20] ellisc7458: true but i love the stupid parts[20:20] mizuderstoodgirl: ... got a point there. [20:20] ellisc7458: but i like the stupid movies lol[20:21] ellisc7458: and the movies where you dont watch them lmao hahaha[20:22] mizuderstoodgirl: loi.. [20:22] mizuderstoodgirl: my favorite is juo[20:22] mizuderstoodgirl: juno*[20:22] ellisc7458: lol never actually saw that ill have to download it do you lik those kind of movies to?[20:23] mizuderstoodgirl: i like only feww chick flicks like 300 and the notebook[20:24] mizuderstoodgirl: but i mostly like comedies[20:24] ellisc7458: same here and every once in a while some action [20:24] ellisc7458: you know what movies i was talkin bout right?[20:24] mizuderstoodgirl: nope[20:25] ellisc7458: where you dont actually watch the movie lol[20:25] mizuderstoodgirl: oh.. for example 300?[20:25] mizuderstoodgirl: or no..?[20:25] ellisc7458: was up with 300?[20:26] mizuderstoodgirl: well... :)[20:26] mizuderstoodgirl: 300 is a girl movie not a guy movie[20:26] mizuderstoodgirl: and every girls didn't watch the movie , they watch the guys[20:27] ellisc7458: what i mean is a movie you go see but dont actually watch the movie instead you have "fun" [20:28] mizuderstoodgirl: oh that... nah..[20:28] ellisc7458: lol why not ?[20:29] mizuderstoodgirl: never had a reason too[20:31] ellisc7458: oh lol i honestly dont like it to much not a good setting much rather be out by the lake with the stars out and share a kiss thats romantic unrather like at the movies which you never remeber[20:32] mizuderstoodgirl: true...[20:33] mizuderstoodgirl: very true[20:33] mizuderstoodgirl: :)[20:34] mizuderstoodgirl: wow...[20:34] ellisc7458: i like special moments to cherish with that 1 person you really care about as i do for you[20:34] ellisc7458: hope 1 day we shall share a moment such as that[20:35] mizuderstoodgirl: :-*[20:35] mizuderstoodgirl: i hope so too[20:35] mizuderstoodgirl: dude..[20:35] ellisc7458: ?[20:35] ellisc7458: yes babe\[20:35] mizuderstoodgirl: either you secretly gay.. or you are those few species of guys that actually aren't ass[20:36] mizuderstoodgirl: that was just too sweet and too cute..[20:36] mizuderstoodgirl: wow[20:36] ellisc7458: definitly not the first 1[20:36] mizuderstoodgirl: thank god[20:36] ellisc7458: but ya thats actually the reason girls dont like me[20:36] mizuderstoodgirl: ....WHAT??[20:37] ellisc7458: for some reason they see me in a brotherly manner [20:37] ellisc7458: prolly cuz they dont take relationships seriously[20:37] mizuderstoodgirl: i don't see that... i see my bf[20:38] ellisc7458: thank you baby you make me whole im lucky to have u[20:38] mizuderstoodgirl: i'm the lucky one[20:39] ellisc7458: no way i am ur amazing i couldnt ask for anything more in a girl[20:39] mizuderstoodgirl: thank you...[20:40] mizuderstoodgirl: man i want tomorrow to come faster[20:40] ellisc7458: me 2 i want to see you and be with you[20:40] mizuderstoodgirl: same with me...[20:41] mizuderstoodgirl: brb.. i am going to get a cookie[20:41] ellisc7458: yum get me 1 2 plz =)[20:42] mizuderstoodgirl: what kind?[20:42] ellisc7458: i cont care anything yu like im sure is good[20:43] ellisc7458: dont*[20:43] mizuderstoodgirl: okay.. her is your chocolate chip mac cookie.. (throws cookie through screen)[20:43] mizuderstoodgirl: here*[20:43] ellisc7458: thankyou[20:43] ellisc7458: its yummy[20:43] mizuderstoodgirl: no prob[20:43] mizuderstoodgirl: loi[20:44] ellisc7458: (jumps through screen and gives a kiss)[20:44] mizuderstoodgirl: (kisses you back)[20:45] ellisc7458: grr i actually want school to hurry up lol never thought id say that[20:45] mizuderstoodgirl: loi... for the past few weeks i crave for school and robotics for you[20:46] ellisc7458: like i wish it could be like from a movie where i have a convertable and were on a cliff above a lake and the stars were out and we just shared a romantic evning[20:46] ellisc7458: thankyou so much you make me feel so special you to amazing[20:48] mizuderstoodgirl: a red convertable looking over hanamou bay.. with a nice sunset eating panda express.. hmn you make me feel special. [20:49] mizuderstoodgirl: then walk on the beach..[20:49] ellisc7458: that be so amazing i wish i had the chance to go to hawaii then we would so do that[20:51] mizuderstoodgirl: yeah... walk down kalakaoa avenue then head up the diamond head. Man,... we need to go the the hawaii regional next year..[20:52] ellisc7458: that be awsome i wish we could but i dont belleive that would happen unless we can find some amazing sponsers[20:52] mizuderstoodgirl: or get rid of mrs. melendaz..[20:52] ellisc7458: yes we have to do that[20:52] mizuderstoodgirl: if we didn't have expensive uniforms we could probably afford it[20:52] ellisc7458: yep[20:52] ellisc7458: but shes stupid[20:53] mizuderstoodgirl: beyond[20:53] mizuderstoodgirl: the spawn of satan[20:53] ellisc7458: ok lol lets not ruin this amazing night even if that is hilarious[20:54] mizuderstoodgirl: fine... (puts away torchering devices..)[20:54] ellisc7458: lmao[20:54] ellisc7458: what kind are there[20:54] mizuderstoodgirl: well...[20:54] mizuderstoodgirl: i was thinking a taser..[20:55] mizuderstoodgirl: posion dounut[20:55] mizuderstoodgirl: but that is just off the top of my head.. :)[20:56] mizuderstoodgirl: anyways.. enough about her...[20:56] ellisc7458: yes lets get back to u [20:56] mizuderstoodgirl: why me[20:56] mizuderstoodgirl: -_-[20:56] ellisc7458: because u make me whole [20:57] ellisc7458: which means both of us in a way[20:57] ellisc7458: lol[20:57] mizuderstoodgirl: ... [20:57] mizuderstoodgirl: loi[20:57] mizuderstoodgirl: okay you have a point there...a really good one[20:57] ellisc7458: lotdai[20:57] ellisc7458: i know[20:58] mizuderstoodgirl: lotdai[20:58] ellisc7458: laughing on the dark abbysmal inside haha like that comercial[20:58] mizuderstoodgirl: ?[20:58] ellisc7458: jkjk[20:58] mizuderstoodgirl: loi[20:58] mizuderstoodgirl: loi.. funny kine[20:59] mizuderstoodgirl: grr.. hey i have to go...[20:59] ellisc7458: =[[20:59] mizuderstoodgirl: i have to finish mr brewer homework[20:59] mizuderstoodgirl: and your distracting me[20:59] ellisc7458: ugh lol ill have to help you[21:00] ellisc7458: im in ap lolz mr mikinny awsome[21:00] ellisc7458: alright ill let you go[21:00] mizuderstoodgirl: okay...[21:00] mizuderstoodgirl: (tear)[21:00] ellisc7458: i luvs ya babe =][21:00] mizuderstoodgirl: bai[21:00] mizuderstoodgirl: luvs[21:01] ellisc7458: (kisses goodnight)[21:01] mizuderstoodgirl: nite

sorry if it is hard to read. stupid blogger... -_-

Thursday, February 5, 2009

let's do the happy dance !!

Let's do the happy dance!


Yes i am that happy. I bet you can guess why???

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Koreans Strikes Again!!!

Okay before i explain the title, i am going to tell you how my day went. First, i decide that worrying and thinking about the future with YU is a no no. It brings me bad luck. So i went in with a positve attitude. Fourth Period was good. Nothing exciting but nothing boring. After school, things started to get a little interesting.
This morning, I created a plan to get closer to YU I.E Talk to him more, and open up. So i responded to his grand blunt comments. And then Sara came in. She is a korean freshman. And guess how close she is with YU???? So close that she would wear his leathermen. And he wouldn't care. I was beyond Jealous. More than Nina Jealous. I wanted to cry. So to see if they were "together" I ask Lani. Funny Story anyway:
Me: Hey, Lani, can i talk to you outside?
Lani: Sure.
(go outside. And the Ironic part is since we were going to talk about YU he followed us out of the class room)
YU: (talks about how he hates the people who don't do anything)
(me, i am trying to see if there is anymore food left , and i have to jump to see the top shelf)
Yu: what do you need to get?( me and lani look at each other)
Me: uh.. nothing
Yu:.... so you wanted privacy so you can talk about something?
Lani: Yup
(we stare at him)
Yu: so you want me to go???
Lani and me : (nodds head)
Then he leaves. With my experience with Tom and him being nosy, we headed outside to talk
Lani: so what did you want to ask?
Me: What is going on between Yu and Sara??
Lani: IDk, i think she has a asian Boyfriend. But i am not sure.
We head back inside and i feel so confused so i occupied myself with the electrical board.
Yu: So what were you guys talking about that i couldn't hear
Me: (almost blushed) Nothing.
Yu: then why couldn't i hear??
Me: (So i lied real quick) It is not my secret to tell. *( yeah, i did that real smooth)
10 minutes past by (Sara, Lani, and Jessica are in the workroom.)
Lani comes out : Hey marisa. ( then made a hand motion of saying "not together")
I did my inside victory dance.

Another thing that i learn about him that i really wanted to know, how he smells. I mean, Some guys smell really, really, good. Ya know what i mean right?? Well, anyways, Me, Yu, and Miguel were talking about something and i was really close to YU. So i "sniffed" him. Not like, obvious. Very sneaky. and Well, he doesn't wear the heavy cologne stuff. He smells, ... boyish. Like sweat, boyish. It is really hard to describe without giving you the wrong idea. Like Not really good boyish and not EW B.O. boyish. Plus he has been working hard :).
In conclusion, i think my plan worked out really well. Like i have said before, i am not going to be worrying or day dreaming. Just going to let the pieces fall, and hope for the best.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

we are in love, right?

OMG! Wow sorry if i haven't seen the other blog sooner but the school websites decided to now block blogspot. Those computer blockers are so gay. Anyways. I have news... on the OBD Front. His nickname is YU. Don't ask me why cuz it is beyond "long story" terms.
Anyway, here are the events of the past two days:

I came so close into getting into YU's car. He even has a red car. (if you remeber when we were coming back from the hale Koa, we were messing with nina about how Raymonds favorite color is red, and she kept on seeing red cars) He even has it "pimped" out with a stero system in the trunk. I was so mad when i decide to be responsible and not get into the car with him. (i blame you anna). I was so sad and came back into the classroom crying. I mean, he ask me! Me personally! TO GO WITH HIM!! I also cried that night.

The first thing that was said to me when i came into the classroom was, "See! she had the time to get ready this morning" said by YU. All that morning, I think he was trying to get my attention? He was messing with my hair, ( I had it up in braids) and he would dance all funny ( you know, like how i would dance when i am totally bored and being blunt.) everytime he would walk past me. Or he would be like "Rawr" only TO ME!!! And i would just smile and laugh. It went like it all day. Then, like at two, we took a break and YU brought his car up to the basketball court (i have a video on my phone. Not a good one but still, i will post it on youtube) and blare his music. (not screamo,... well maybe some songs). He was wearing a red shirt at the time, so he match his car. I stayed on the side lines, watching him cuz i am not good at soccer.

Overall , he is one point below Mike shinoda. And that is Amazing. He is smart, funny, stupid and caring all rolled up into a blonde head, green eye, guy.

he is with the red car. In the red shirt.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Me and My friends In Q202

Wow remeber all of the good times??? I miss this!! But i do have to say that i miss your long hair nina.OOOh I want a video of you guys!!! pwease!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday Time with the robot

Mood: tired as hell
Stomache status: bk for lunch and mrs. gregory's cookies for dinner :) yum
OBD Alert: Well, hehe... his name isn't pronouce like it is spelled. its: Hey-suest. It's spanish. Any way, he is cool. He has really dark brown eyes that are really creep in a cool way. Also he is a joker and a programmer.

Other than that our cero is having pms issues. I know we should have already complete the electronics but Mrs. Melendez is a bitch. Everything is hook up right but the cero isn't "talking " to the jaguars so the lights are blinking but we don't know what is wrong. It was working before then we updated the software then it just stop coroperating. Any idea's, pictures? HELP!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2nd Day of FIRST


Let's startwith the news:
Mr. Melvin and Mr. Wildham have made contact. They will know be emailing each other ( I think) you know, Alliance. Alos, sme of my team members have some praise to Nina and Anna, cause i show them the FIRST Website and they were awe.
Also for some nonimportant news.
first robotics obd.
His name is Jesus (how ironic?) and he is a junior is actually nice. And quite cool.
Anywho...What is up with you guys. I want some update (sophmore and giggles) New , funny things. Anything!!
Love rIsA

Monday, January 5, 2009

Kick Off!

Kick Off video was wow. Joyce.. your driving skills must improve! Mr. Melvin Asked me what i did for the competition:

"So what your role for the competition?"

"I was part of the electrical team and the driving team."

"So you know how to drive the robot?"

"What exactly is your definition of 'drive'?"


"Me and my friend joyce drove, but that doesn't mean in the straight line. Not even with good tires."

He laughed after that. I am really excited! Are you guys still going to post the cartoons? Cuz i want you too. Even if brynn isn't there. *pouts*

Anywho. I am glad you like your gifts. Nina: you better eat yours or i am calling Mr. Sakayue. I mean it! And the picture of Mr. Sakayue was funny