Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am irrated so i am going to write to you guys. I have to write a paper for bio and we get to choose our topics. So i decided to write it on the bacteria and viral infections on the organ systems. So today, i started writing it. The references that i am using is my moms microbiology book. And this is where is gets nasty. I written i good page worthy and my mom is again trying to write my paper. Ever since i hit middle school she always didn't like how i wrote my paper and wrote is for me by her standards. And it just peeves me. I am a good writer. So what if it doesn't go by how you would have written it?? She says that i am going all over the place and that i have no idea what i am writing about and that i should write it the way she thinks i should. I mean, here is a brief piece of it:

There are three kinds of bacteremia; transient, continuous, and intermittent. Transient bacteremia occurs either spontaneously or something minor. Some other conditions could be messing with infected tissues, instrumentation of contaminated mucosal surfaces and surgery with nonsterile sites and instruments. On the other hand, continuous bacteremia is released at a constant rate. Intermittent bacteremia can be found with hosts that have undrained abscesses.
There are two ways the blood stream can get infect. It is either intravascular or extravascular. However, fungemia could be either. Intravascular infections originate in the cardiovascular system. They include infective endocarditis , mycotic aneurysm, supportive thrombophlebiti, and IV catheter-associated bactermia. These are contiuous bacteremia and extremely life threatening. These infections are able to gain access the blood by the increasing use of the IV catheters, and intra-arterial lines. For example, staphylococcus epidermidis has increased the cause of infection in hospital eniviroment.

and she says that it is too all over the place. And the thing is.. she didn't even read the whole paper before she started critizing it.
anyways.. on a lighter note... hey anna...finished your little section of Autumn wind yet???

Monday, April 6, 2009

Twiiter.. anyone interested???

Wow... it's ... weird o.0 ... yeah.. anyone want to try... idk.. it is weird.. my user name is somber_apathy... <- you know what that means right??? i have to get a new email now.. :(...hmm