Friday, August 15, 2008

Funny about Twilighters

Hey i was looking on the internet and i found this. To me it funny.

Dre: You have anything to share regarding Twilighters?
Laremy: [silence]
Dre: Yyyellow?
Laremy: They are mental.
Dre: Huh?
Laremy: They lined up at 8 for a Thursday noon panel.
Dre: Well, that's not so bad. That happens at Comic-Con.
Laremy: Dre ... 8 at night.Dre: Huh?
Laremy: That's pm.Dre: I ... see.
Laremy: That's 16 hours early. They CAMPED out.
Dre: Yes, yes ... I think I understand now.
Laremy: No. No, you don't. They wear homemade t-shirts that say "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob." They scream anytime that Cam guy appears on camera, anywhere in the world.
Dre: OK, OK. I got it.
Laremy: Listen, Dre. You ever see one of 'em ... damnit, you run. You run and you don't look back.
I didn't like where this was going but I got the picture. I signed off.
I can see Raymond particpating in the conversation.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The most shocking Nick movie

Now, I know that Nina has tried to read the books, but this series is the most funniest and shocking ever. Oddly, they are making a movie (from Nick) and here is I believe the most funniest clip i have seen so far. Now imagine 12 years olds doing that. Yes, i agree with the blonde. That is shocking!

Along with the series, I think... Joyce you should try. Anna, um... not your cup of tea I think. It's more like going through my mind in a more girly fashion. But if you can handle me, I think you can handle it. Nina, don't discourge them! Let them decide.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Midnight Pheonix: Chpater 1

Chapter one

The dreaded hour that my head is exploded thoughts that would rupture any brain. Making through the long line is all I want happen. From then it would be easier.
I peer at the number of people ahead of me just to get the plastic container. The food did not look good compared to the cafeterias and yet that line is shorter. I will learn, will I?
Sadly, I come here because of him.
He eats in this area, just a yard from where I am standing.
The line moves up a few feet, and I grimaced at the slow pace. The other people do not see it slow, but I do. If only Joyce was here right now, I could get my lunch and leave. I shifted my weight around and peeked at the front of the line. I could see the cashier. A good thing. I bit my lip and focused on her.
Stupid children, just want to get and get out with out being polite. Shoot, maybe next time that boy Bair would learn not to snap at me.
I rolled my eyes. My torturer is he. He would never leave me be would he? I closed my eyes and opened my brain.
Well, I should not take it out on the children who did nothing wrong. What the heck.
“Free lunch!” the lady said.
The line moved faster as the plastic containers of rice and Teri Burgers disappeared. I got mine and went back to my friends, passing him. He was alone on the bench, his hat low hiding his eyes from the sun. He did not seem to see me. He was looking at the line. I hurried back to my lunch spot near the oak tree. I set my bag down next to the others, and took my spot in the shade.
What took you long?
“Long line,” I said to Nina.
“You should have sent Joyce with you; I needed your help with the debate.”
I turn my gaze to Nina. Her long black hair was up in a ponytail with a few wisps of her bangs attached to her forehead. She was eating next to Joyce, usually next to Anna.
“How did she win?” I asked wary.
“She didn’t win,” Nina snapped.
“Okay,” I smiled “How did she cheat?”
“She had philosophy last period.”
I shook my head humorlessly and passed her my lunch. In return, she gave me her water bottle. I looked around the lot, and eventually my gaze landed on him.
He was still sitting on the bench but a girl, Ophelia was with him. She was talking; god knows what, but probably something unimportant to the average male species.
I’ll prove this to Stephanie.
Ophelia moved closer to Bair and ended up sitting on his lap. I expected him to push her off, but instead he wrapped his arms around her.
Haha fooled you.
I was stunned. He was speaking to me…
Wish you were different position now do you?
I sat there with my mouth open, gazing at him. How could someone so handsome be so evil? He was doing this to me on purpose. That is why he is here. To punish me with my own feelings. It was cruel and unjust. I wouldn’t put that pain on any one else.
Bair scooted his girlfriend closer to him. Rearranging her so he could look at me.
He grinned happily but his eyes gave it away. His almond shape green eyes had circles under them. With all the weight his eyes dropped. His eyes glowed red; his head tilted towards the sun. I knew that look. His warning for me. To watch out.
Underneath of this, even though he was doing this to me, I knew he was in pain. It was etched upon his pearl face.
I regain my composer, stood up, and sat next to Anna, away from Bair’s face.
Anna is thin and small. Her short black hair usually hiding her face unless she pins it up. Currently it was pinned up.
No one knew except my family what just went on. No one really notice my family that much. We stick to ourselves and only interact with people who are oblivious. We don’t touch the lives of this school. We like it that way. It is less to leave. We most just eat lunch and watch the nature of people’s beautiful society.
At least I do.
Anna was sitting there eating her teriyaki chicken, intensely listening to the conversation that Nina and Joyce were having on the properties of wing formation. Anna was usually quiet, just observing everyone around giving in her thoughts every once in awhile. If Joyce was not with us, she could be easily pointed out as the shiest one. Though brilliantly smart, she could never grasp the subject of the social heath. However, it was her choice, and it made her who she was. She was the supporter to me. She understood and wouldn’t voice an opinion that she knew I couldn’t handle.
Yet Nina is very openly. She wasn’t afraid to give her own opinion. Of course, she could be stubborn, and just weird, but she was the baby and the moocher. She is extremely smart too but not as smart as Anna. With all of them combine, neither Anna nor Nina could fill the spot of Joyce in my heart. She was the first one to join my family and has been with me since. She is the best drawler I know. She could take the ugliest thing dammed to earth and can pull out the light. That is what brought me too her. Though she may look like an outcast, she is really the brightest one in our family.
I let my eyes wonder around the courtyard, looking at other friends that were not me to distract myself. Envies that I was, I pitied them. Their flawed, warm, aging bodies enjoying the few rays of sun that was sipped out through the clouds, compared to mine. They were all the same, unrealistic to what could really happen.
Accidently, my gaze turn to Bair, and Ophelia. They were holding hands walking towards the stairs.
Stephanie will faint when I tell what we are about to do.
I smile to myself; she was not ready for what was coming. Her thoughts may be in lust, but I knew she felt the instinctive fear.
At that moment, Bair turned his head and our eyes met. He slightly smiled and return to Ophelia with his arm around her waist. He could feel the fear. I smirked.
“Flirting with your so called enemy?”
Anna was looking at me with a smile on her face. Her humor faded.
I know you still love him.
“Flirting is an understatement, glaring hits the target” I murmured. I refocused my eyes on my bottle water. It felt warm clutch in my icy hand. I tried to hide back the tears but it was worthless. Crying is a weakness of mine that I wish that I didn’t have or shouldn’t have. If only I have avoid the things that had hurt me the most. On the other hand, have the strength to repress it.
I felt an arm a round me. I looked up and saw Nina on the other side. She could not understand my feelings. She resented love, Along with other weaknesses that made her strong and inexorable.
Although cold as the damned could be, belonging to my family felt warm. The warmest feeling that I long for every minute of my life.

The bell ranged silent in my ears, numb, my family left my side and blended slightly into the crowd heading toward our six period classrooms. I sat up and join the crowds.
I was numb and unaware of my surroundings, trying repressing the feelings and made them into a void.
I took my seat on the east side of my geometry classroom. It was the safest place since our teacher Mrs. Link had this Gland infection and started spitting every time she talks. I do not understand how she does not realize it and then takes a sip of water and talk. It is bad for the last person who has to sit on the front and center seat of the classroom.
I got the seat once. Luckily, I stopped her with a question every time she thought of getting a sip of water. She tends to forgets things easily.
Saying my hellos to Catelyn and Derrkic, I let my head enter Mrs. Link’s head to seeing what we were doing today so I could get some sleep. I have been up scoping the near by mountains to track any trace of Bair’s pack. Joyce’s senses are strong towards the felines/werewolves; feeling their strength and antagonism. Somehow, I am not able to find them.
With in a human speed I got my work finished, relaxed myself in my chair, and let my head wander.
Bair was a popular subject in my head, even though I would not admit it to anyone. He has been in my mind since I had saved him. I saved him from death in the most hypocritical way possible.
I killed him.
I turned him into a vampire. I do not want humans to have to deal with what damn really means. It is painful to see your whole life be washed down the drain from either one-vacation trip or from a harmless infatuation.
Not that I had a choice. I could have let him just die fatefully, but seeing his limp body, seem so delicate in the middle of his blood.
I felt guilty.
I was the reason why he was killed.
I knew his was suffering from the numbness instead of what he expected pain. The shameful guilt and hopefulness is the reason why I bite him.
All the other details in between are not important to me, that I forgot them, but I do remember how things came out to be like this. He had loved me since I moved here. He would do the stereotype aggravating boy stuff and strutted off his status. After all the crap he did, he would stalk me.
It was amusing.
I would go out at night after a football game or a dance and here him scuffling along. He would wear socks to try to muffle the sound. Of course being part bird, made it easier to catch the sound. It was cute seeing that some boy was stalking me. Eventually, I waited for him. It fascinated me that some male was interested in me.
Didn’t he see the awkwardness? The way I shy way from others. I don’t act human no matter how much I try to fit in.
Every night I grow more and more onto him. He was smart, and a fast learner. Eventually I fell in love with him.
Yes, the word that seems to distance now in the present. I enjoyed his presence. I didn’t feel abnormal around society.
I felt human.

Nevertheless, when I saved him, he resisted the truth. After all, we went through, he now felt that strangeness. The monster.
He ran away, leaving a pathetic note saying that he would get me back one day. He wants to be human. He wants to be normal.
At First, I was heart broken. I open up to a human to only to be shut down again. This makes him the second mistake I ever made. The first one really did have a future. When I was seven, a little boy lived across the street form me. Childhood sweethearts are a name for it. We were inseparable. Giggling at cooties, and the weirdness of a first kiss. Of course, he left without saying goodbye one morning. Even though I never understood why, it was for the best and I never regret it.
A few weeks ago, I found out that Bair was well manner vampire, and dog. I give him credit though; he understood how I felt towards Deemors. Deemors are like the devils bounty hunters. Their boney coarse black bodies are the picture of death. . I am guessed that one of the scientists that my dad works with came up with this idea. Did I mention that love actually meant eat? Yeah, so now he is trying to get me jealous, and then lead me toward death that he could not go to.

I brought my brain back into reality and looked up and the white board. Math has always been easy for me. There are no multiple choices for the answer like my appalling choices that I had to make. Unlike life, where so many possibilities lie ahead.
A loud short bell went, through out the school campus unknowing. Then panic rose through my spine. I could feel that faint feeling, paranoia. I could feel my heart stop and start repeatedly. My breathing shallow. I could hear every sound, every thought… in this room… and outside.
Run bird, Run.
Chaos spread through my mind as everyone was thinking, “what the hell?’, “Oh, my, god, what the fuck is happening” or “Yes! No home work”. I regain consciousness and with out thinking, I ran out of the classroom to find my family. Scanning through the corridors, I notice Nina. She was up against a wall, stiff and silent. Instantly I ran up to her.
“What the hell is going on?” I gritted through my teeth. With everyone talking and thinking, I was getting a severe headache. The voices were mush together. A constant muttering inside my head.
Nina looked around and did a 360.
“Everyone is worried, and scared, they must not know what is going on? I highly doubt it is a drill,” said Nina.
“I agree, I would have heard something coming. Any sight of Anna and Joyce?”
“That was who I was looking for. If you haven’t spotted me, I would have taken off at the field. They would too.”
“I feel the feeling , Nina.” I mumbled.
Nina looked at me with anxious eye.
“The Feeling?”
I nodded.
“Do you think it has anything to do with Bair?”
“I don’t know, Nina. My guess is just as good as yours.”
“It’s not like him to do this out of the blue. He would have given us a warning.”
I froze.
“He did Nina.”
By now, the halls were empty. Everyone was on the other side of the campus.
“When?” Nina Demanded.
“At lunch.”
Nina just looked at me. She didn’t need words for what she wants to say.
“He wouldn’t risk that! He knows what would happen to him. He is not as stupid as we expect him to be,” I yelled impatient.
Another weakness of mine does not know what is happening. Being blind is the worst thing that could ever happen to me. Nina raised her eyes in suspicion, “So you don’t want him to be caught?”
“If he was caught he would exposed us,” I mutter, quickly as I started to walk down the hall. “He doesn’t play fair remember. We need to maneuver our way towards the field so we can take off. It’s not safe here.”
Nina followed me through the halls. Nervously, I scattered my head around the campus. Uncertain not to miss a piece of evidence to Bair’s plans.
The open field stood below us in recorded time. Looking over toward Nina I gave her, a nod and she open her wings. Her 9-foot brown wings extend themselves to their extent. Compared to mine, they were beautiful, while mine is frightening.
Pitch black, mine stood to 11 feet. My feathers changed colors when I turn ten. Before that, they were a yellowish white. No the yellowish did not brush your teeth type but an Easter color.
I do not mind the Black; they show the more mature side of me.
Nina jumped off the bleachers, declining slowly before bringing her wings down, thrusting herself up. Finally, I jumped off the bleachers.

By four p.m., I could clearly see Anna and Joyce pacing around the house. Nina and I were a few miles out from our house.
It wasn’t unusual to see Anna pace around. She fears the most out of all of us. Whenever one of us was out doing scouting, she was the one up all night waiting for us to come home.
I focused my mind on Anna, Crap; Bair could have sneaked up on them. It’s nearly three, and she still isn’t home. Where could she have gone? I hope that they didn’t run into each other. God, please tell me they didn’t run into each other.
Wait, is that…her?
I grinned. I looked to my right to see Nina then bank left and caught some speed. With that momentum, I soared up into the air until I was at least an attitude of non-visibility and then I did a nosedive aimed at Anna. Quickly Anna moved a millisecond to the right and had me disarrayed.
“Somber, there you are, were you reading my mind? I tried to find you but I got a glimpse of Bair and I was afraid of leading him towards our house. What about privacy?” Snapped Anna.
Intensely as I could, I tried to follow the conversation. She continues talking about how worried she was when she could not find me and how Bair and I looked like a cute couple.
Emphasis on tried.
A few minutes later Nina skidded in, breathing hard. I forgot I left her back there with out a notice.
“Hey Somber, at least tell me when your going to do that” breathed Nina.
I rolled my eyes. “You didn’t have to catch up with me”
“Very funny, I am not going to be put as the sluggish flyer.”
“As if you brain controls your wings”. Nina narrowed her eyes at me and sulked, sending me livid thoughts. I smiled at Nina, showing that I was joking.
Out of nowhere, “at least she is smiling.” I turned my head around and saw Joyce hiding in the bushes, looking at a tiny butterfly on the ground.
The mood in the air seemed lighter. Warmth of the last few rays that could escape the heavy rain cloud and through the trees froze. Nothing could seem like any happier moment. Bair on the loose killing innocents on my behalf and his pack of Deemors that keep moving towards our house did not seem to matter. The culprit of these ironic mood swings are Joyce’s power and was reflecting her mood. Joyce was never the one for violence. If something got her mad or frustrated, she would shrug if off then starts singing a Japanese song on her CD player. I never had question how her powers work, and what her limitations were. She uses them gracefully and controlled.
Everyone was laughing at Joyce’s comment and enter back into the stereotype family phase.
As if, it was real.
Normally I encourage moments like these, but with these things on my mind, nothing seems to matter.
Abruptly, I walked over toward the house. As a family of Eighteen years, we have a better decent house than you would expect. An old five bedroom 7 bathes Spanish home that had 5 acres in the back. Rural de Life is what I call it we found it in bad shape, but we took the liberty to fix it up in our spare time. It was fun to do. Even Nina enjoyed it.
I walked past the dining room into the living room and sat on the sofa. Instinctively, I ran the day repeatedly in my head. Frustration came over me when I realized that today was a complete failure.
Why didn’t I comprehend the warning correctly. Ophelia wouldn’t be dead; though I am not that sad, for she was really a pain. But it doesn’t matter, because of me, someone died.
It was impossible for someone to catch us so why do I think we can catch him. Bair is a quick learner and knows what we capable of doing. This made us wary about introducing him to this kind of living. We figure since he knew us and that we wouldn’t harm him, he wouldn’t be a threat.
Anna taught him everything that we knew. Stats of us were laid out before him without even a hint of betrayal in him. A bird can never catch a dog or even a cat actually. It was against the laws of nature. Of course, we too are against the laws of nature. Therefore, we are living with the fact that he will always be after us.
Unless, a vampire could catch the dog. I shook this Idea out of my head. Vampires and Dog’s are sworn enemies since the dawn of time, I think, or at least for us mutate people.
Ironically, the fact that he is a vampire and a dog is beyond imaginable of his capabilities. His DNA is questionable along with our DNA. This also proves the fact that my Father’s lavatory stills exist. My family made a pack to become sober. Now I was going to break it. What would they think when they fine me all exultant and glittery from all the blood. On the other hand, they find me sneaking out into the night to find me a snack. Blood would become my heroin and I would lose control. We would be discovered and there is no way to hide. I could not do that to them. A leader has to be strong and seem invincible.
“I never was,” I thought aloud. Everything that happened in the past was pure luck, no skill. Even if the disagree, they never knew. Finding them was luck. Our escapes from place that were beginning to question us, pure luck. I am not a leader they think. But I can’t betray them like that. They look up to me, when every thing else falls apart.
I sighed inwardly as I heard Nina, Anna, and Joyce enter the house and walked towards the sofa sitting in front of me.
I stare back at them, not wanting to speak. They probably know that we have to do something. Anything.
Anna looks up. Something caught her eye out side and walked up towards the window.
“We are safe Somber. He wouldn’t risk doing it again.” Anna murmured. I understand how you feel.
Nina purses her lips for a second then turns her attention to me.
“Stop mopping.” She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes her irritating comment. I am not mopping because we are leaving as if she thinks.
“You need to experience some fun Somber. To forget today.” She urged.
“What type of fun should I experience then?” I muttered. My bitter mood wasn’t helping. Anna started to jump up and down, screaming in her mind that she has an idea.
“What the hell are you doing?” I laughed. Anna’s hair started to become puffy from all the jumping.
“I know that you hate us being childish , but to get your mind off of this, I have scored awesome seats for a Metallica concert!” screamed Anna.
She looked at me persuasively, with her pouting to her full advantage. I seriously could not believe this. After what happen, they want to go to a Metallica concert Just to make me forget that Bair just killed an innocent person just warn us about god knows what?
This has certainly made my day.

“So after almost being caught, you want to go out into the public eye to go see Metallica! Have you finally lost your mind? Am I only the sane person here?” I said. Even though it was a bit dramatic, it was straight to the point.
“We weren’t even nearly caught. How would be anyways? We were attending class. They think it is a suicide. Come on somber. Front row! Give your childish family some fun time!” pleaded Anna.
“Childish?” Nina snorted.
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
“Fine, you rash siblings. Fair enough.” Snapped Anna.
“Still, it is too dangerous to go out in public.” I said sternly. “We have no clue to why Bair attacks Ophelia. It could be a trap, a warning or something else. Who knows what the purpose is, but it is safer to stay out of a sight for a while.”
“He attacked Ophelia?” Nina asked.
“Yeah, she was with him last.” I retorted. It is somewhat obvious.
“How do you know? You weren’t watching him were you?” contemplated Nina. She was leading to something, something wrong.
“You need to get over him. He wasn’t even good looking anyway.”
I lay back on the couch, showing my displeasure. So what if I do still like Bair. I am not obsessing over him or falling in love with him. He is just a guy that attracts me to a certain degree, in which some cases I like to watch him and see what he does. It is perfectly normal.
“Anyways, I highly doubt that Bair would even like Metallica. He is a want to be thug. He would rather shave his ears off than listen to their music. So what is the big threat over us going to a concert?” Nina stated, being stubborn as ever.
“The big threat is them coming to the concert on a mission to kill us. Don’t you see every possibility of us getting in or other in danger by walking out the front door?” I yelped raising up from my spot on the couch. This rewarded me with a smirk from Nina.
Somber, that is the same exact thing you said about us going to school. Nina is going to win. Joyce thought. In addition, I do not mind going to a concert. It makes everyone feel normal when we do something human.
Nevertheless, of course I do hate them not being normal. Maybe a time for some danger could our minds working right.
I sighed.
“Okay maybe your right, seeing a concert. Only this once is I going to let this slide. We can’t keep on going out every time something bad happens.” I muttered.
Getting those words out was harder that I expected to be. The three of them jumped with glee and ran up stairs to do god know what.
I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. I stared at the fridge for a while; finally, I took out a sprite and headed out side. The weather was hot and dry for the past few weeks. Un-normal for Hawaii. Heading into fall means rain, rain, and even more rain. But I don’t mind it; I love to hear the sound of rain hitting the tree’s leaves at night remembering all the good times I spent in Santa Monica. I would play in the rain for hours reflecting on the things on my mind. I would play with my friend in our bathing suits having a blast. Now, the rain only feels even more cold and lonely. The solitude presence gives me something to reflect upon, make me see how good I have it now and how I should be exultant for what I have.
Nevertheless, I request solitude whenever I get the chance. I know that I need my family as much as they need me, but my selfishness of myself is what seems right. I don’t need anyone else in my life, for they would be a stranger to my world. I would rather have my family for anything.


“So when are we going?” I asked cautiously. The three came out side with new clothes and some makeup on. It was clear that they did their very best to look extremely presentable for a concert although I hope they know the makeup will smear from the wind.
“Tonight, in one hour, so we might as well take off.” Anna explained. Sighing at my defeat, I ran down the driveway and jumped into the air flapping my black wings, hearing the flaps of other wings behind me. What could a little concert do to us anyway? Not like it would be screen on national television.
At least I hope not.

Batman And Pigeon. (Remember Joyce?)

Hey, Back again.

I would like to say, Thanks Joyce! I understand how parents can be. My dad is unberable. And I really didn't mean to offen you. But Andrew is not a pillow i can have. So Anthony is my pillow. Which i have to say, your right about him. He is a bit...odd. And about the converstation. You know i am not normally like that I was talking to Kate earlier and she brings that side out of me.. and i was completely bored since i have no one to talk to. It was a once in a life time thing(not including tom).
I am all psychic about the upcoming Linkin Park concert. I can see Mike shinoda, Up close. Singing. It will be a dream come true. I will post some pics for you guys of the concert. And of the concert of hawthorne heights. They are giving away there new single free. I am thinking about sending it to you raymond. Maybe. If you really want it.

Ooh, and here are some of the most funniest fan made Linkin park Pics. Tell me how you like them