Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Midnight Pheonix


If you look in Webster’s dictionary and looked up vampire, you would see:
(Folklore) a corpse that rises at night to drink blood of the living.
Moreover, if you looked up bird you will see:
Warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates Characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings.
2. The flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food.
3. Informal terms for a (young) woman.
4. A cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt.
5. Badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers.
1. Watch and study birds in their natural habitat.

Now this time, look up vamp-avian American.
No result?
Well of course, everyone knows that vamp-avian is not real, unless you talk to the cruel scientist that created my family and me. You may be looking back at number three in the definition of bird right. Well the definition is not completely correct.
Before I was born, my malice father planted avian DNA in my mother’s embryo sack.
He was a scientist for a corporation, and had the technology to do so he did. He took his own child for a lab experiment as his own ultimate sacrifice. The experiment was to see if humans were able to survive with less than 50% human DNA. To do this, it was too risky to steal a baby from a hospital, for research that has not been proven true. Therefore, scientists took babies that they knew would not be notice. The only explanation that I could come up with was from teenage mothers who were going to give their babies away once they were born. Back then, baby mother increased, leading to many born baby that had to go into the adoptions agencies. The colossal numbers will not give away the few taken babies.
Therefore, on July 5, 1977 I was born, with pastel yellow wings (which later change into black) and with enough strength, speed, and reflexes to beat solid aluminum into small pieces. I was a dangerous as a child and my parents kept a close eye on me.
When I was five, I realized that I had wings on my back. I never realized the pain of them growing through my skin. I had always gotten into trouble and the pain was nonetheless numb. I was in awe when I first saw them. The baby feathers lightly dusking my back every time I flexed the muscles. I loved running my hands through the soft black feathers, and imagining me flying everywhere. I told my mom about my wings, saying it was a gift from god. At first, she thought I was delusional, but the first summer that I had my wings, she believed me. I was about to go jump into the pool in out backyard when she looked out the window.
Her face was livid.
The night that my mother found out about my wings, she left me with my father. She never came back for me. I was heart broken to see my mother; the only person who stayed in our house for more than four hours was gone. I asked my father every night, “Why did she leave? Why doesn’t she want me?” He would just look at me with sorrow and then slap me. He would yell many profanities and tell me that I was a freak. Every time, every word was a slash at my heart. I believed every lingering word he said and blamed myself. I would stay up all night crying asking myself why I did this. I promised myself every night that I would be better; I would make my father proud that I was a freak.
I was not livid with him. Therefore, I was exultant, until he thought of me as a disgrace. I learned more in school to realize what disgrace meant. He dishonored me. Therefore, I tried even harder. Everything he taught me, he would say that I could do better. I tried as hard as I could until I felt like me wings would break off, and then I would stop. He always called me a pathetic chicken and started to hit me. I would go to school with black eyes and cuts on my arm telling teachers that I was a chicken and I needed to do better. IT was not a lie. It was just bending the truth in a no telling way, so some of my teachers said for me to go to a counselor to work out my weird problems. I knew the pain was my consequence. Eventually, I started to crumble. My excuses for my teachers were dry and unbelievable. I wanted them to catch on to the pain that I had inflicted to myself.
One day my teacher had enough with my excuses, called my dad and they had a huge fight over the phone. After 1st grade, I did not go to school anymore.
I would always ask my dad, "Why? Why can I not go to school? Mommy said school was important for me.” And his answers would always be, “You don’t need an education, chicken” or “why? So I can have your teachers down my back again?”
Therefore, to spend my time while my father was at work, I played with the boy and his little brother across the street. He was easy to get along with, distracted me from reality. I owed him my life. He saved me from my pain and made me realized I had more power than my dad was. I had more strength, more skills, and I could fly. I was livid, for the fact he would abuse his only family. I was no longer his family, and I will never be.
Sad to say that under federal law, I had to be accompanied by an adult while I was at home. Therefore, I had to keep up this charade and let myself be distracted.
When I thought that nothing could get worse, it did. That day the boy left without saying goodbye, and I found my dad dead on the floor.
My life was gone.
My distraction, the only thing that kept me alive was gone forever. My dad was dead, and to make things worse, I was forced to go to a foster home. I was not frightened like normal kids were nor did I care that my dad was dead, or burning in hell. He deserved it.
So I was moved to a foster home where I met three extraordinary girls that had the same gift as me. Anna, Nina, and Joyce were the closest people to family. We ran away together, went to school together and even learned to perfect our flying together.
We graduated from Aberdeen High school in Maryland with honor. I graduated second in all my classes and got a scholarship to Dartmouth to explore the artistic ways of journalism. I planned to be either a columnist while write a book that I was working on for fun. However, before heading off on our studies we decided to take a year off and have a little vacation to spend with each other.
We were eighteen that year. You probably forgot about this but do you know why we call ourselves vamp-avian American? During our vacation, our last stop was exploring Pennsylvania. We made believe that we were tourists and saw the Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, and the Dutch part of the country. It was a great experience for us since Joyce was going into painting; taking pictures of our surroundings for future reference used for her canvas, Nina has to know how Pennsylvania market went for her future media/ accountant job, while Anna and I just explored out inner selves with history.
The last part of our vacation was spent in exploration of the “old fashion” Dutch houses, when I noticed a strange person lurking around, following us. I have a sixth sense for these kinds of things. Usually, the feeling was faint enough it would not bother me. Nevertheless, this time it was different.
We were traveling behind a group of old people that were interesting for being old. They kept making jokes about the guide. We tried to stifle our laughter since it is rude for young people to laugh at old people and get away with it. At one funny comment I could not keep my laughter in control, so to be polite I went into another room to relieve myself. Within a few minutes, screams could be heard throughout the house. Everything blacked out and when I finally woke up, cold, I could see my family wake up to find ourselves surrounded by dead bodies.
We never knew who our creator was. It is still one of many mysteries that I contemplated at night. Anna believes it is what god has planned for us, and that our series of events has purpose. Pessimistically, Nina thinks we are being punished for whatever wrongs we did in the past or near future.

Some people ask if it is rather painfully to be bitten and turn into a soullessly zombie. All I can say it was pure bliss. I have never more alive in my life. Nevertheless, with bliss there is grief too. We cannot go in the sun because our eyes would glow so bright like the embers in hell. In addition, drinking blood is another desire that most wanted, but some how, are avian instincts took over, and the thirst resided. As a family, we say that we are sober.
From this bite, we also got something in return. I guess you can say that Joyce and I got super powers. I guess within the mixing of DNA’s that somehow, some of us obtain certain powers or that is what happens to certain people when they are bitten by vampires.
Who knows?
I ended up read minds and Joyce can control the brain of any living thing. She can make grass grow faster, fish jump out of water, and even make Nina less hungry.( We usually use this when were are running out of food and it’s too sunny for us to go outside to go grocery shopping.
I can search through any mind that is unblocked and see through any mind that is within my eye distance. The drawback of it is the when I get headaches and end up messing everyone up. I can sort have the power to control them like Joyce, But it’s not that detailed. I doo that when I have no other option.
All of this happened in the summer of 1995. Now, 2000 we have not age a single day. We are young and free going to different states starting a new high school year undercover.
Currently we live in Hawaii. The sunniest places on earth. In addition, may I add it was Joyce’s idea? Currently a junior in high school on a Friday afternoon.

...Thinking about it.

Well, as I am know writing this post, i have not finished Breaking Dawn. But i am almost finished. I know that some of you don't want to be spoiler if you haven't finished reading the book; or even started so when i am abou tto say;write, a spoiler the beginning paragraph will start with "**", and the end of it will be "//". Okay?
Anyway, The real reason why i haven't finished the book yet is the fact i want to spend my unused time on it. I don't want to read the book so quickly that i will be bored for a few weeks before i start reading it again. So i am savoring the book like a chocolate chip cookie.
I do want to talk abou the book, though , since my mom doesn't want to be spoiler even for my sanity. So here i am talking to you.
have to admitt that i was tempted to spoiler myself, even when i acciddentally reading a spoiler. I mean, i am not a paitent person. Nina you know that for sure. But even with the aciddentally spoiler, the book blew my mine away
**I hadn't expected the different point of views. No how muc i wanted to see inside Edwards head, i am quite please with jacobs.//
It is truely amazing how the pack plural and the telpathy inside the mind it. I would want to expereince it, even in human form. Imagine durinf school we can talk to each other with out getting caught with cell phones. I mean, we won't be lonely in classes, and with Anna's mind, there is no doubt we have to worry about a test anymore. Or even who is bringing food for lunch.
Yes, i admit it, i am a jacob fan but not in that way.
**See, i like the fact that Jacob imprinted on "nessie". It makes me feel less guilty. At least Bella got her wish and she has all of her family. Even Charlie for that matter. But even with that, I'm still a Edward fan of loving someone. Not because of his abilities or his looks but for his kindness. Sure, Jacob has more humor than him but hey, Edward is just the right personality for me. //
Speaking of humor. Jake is hilarious with his jokes in the book.
Thinking back to the other books, I enjoy each of them for their own unique personna. I am glad that this is the last book for i don't want it to be the next harry potter marathon.

Okay, enough with Breaking dawn buisness. Time for other anouncements. I have some work for you guys... well mostly Nina, anna, and joyce. (BTW, Joyce haven't HEARD from you in awhile. LEAVE a comment... :) ). I know you, anna, Have some things to say and still go on the other account.. but i still want the other blog running. So i am leaving you guys in charge of it. The password is the same... the email , my aol account. I want you guys to fill me in with your stuff. I don't want to feel out of the circle if you know what i mean. You don't have to do right now but i like to see something. OOH and read all of the old posts. I love those. they were AWESOME!!. So that is your homework for the week. And if you have a fanfic account and have me screename... (nina) i will be updating my story's . I have been editing my longer story and i was thinking of posting it here everytime i am finish with a whole complete chapter that is perfect by MY standards. (spelling ,grammer, I know you will be fustrated nina but i will do my best!!). I may post it later today. I am going to see The Mummy with my mom's friend. Speaking of her i will post the cute puppy pics later.

Well, see you later ASFAAWBFFE's TSU!