Hey, i thought i post a new layout and look at What i have found. Isn't it gorgeous?? Okay now back on topic. I have news that i know that you guys have been waiting for. But lets take it step by step:
- Pictures!! Here are Nigel (black dude) and James..
- Aww,... he was showing off in this picture saying that he is the best Nigel around. Nigel is sweet. You would like him. He liked me for a while but he is 18 so that would have worked. Bummer really. He is also funny!

yeah... that is all i am going to say right now. Just look up Apathy and you will understand.
- It's suppose to be a number two but the thing is stupid!! Next is the twilight movie. I love it. I mean, i know it will be different from the book. Some things i disagree on but hey, they had a small budget and for New Moon they Will have a bigger one. Maybe they will redo twilight? So let me know your thoughts about this.
- Next, i have a band that you may find interesting. Jag star is now my fav of the month. Chek out "I don't want to be here" Her voice is so pretty!!
- Sometime is december you are going to to get mail. That is all i am going to say there..
- Okay now for the moment of truth. James' last relationship was with this girl mercedes. And the relationship was more on a friend scale. They have been going on and off from what lizz told me. So maybe that is why he hasn't gotten the hint yet!! He hasn't been in a REAL relationship for awhile! I know this may sound like an excuse but i am taking it. And also when you figure out what Apathy means, let me know. They whole thing needs it's own post for it.