Monday, May 12, 2008


Two days ago, we had our BotBall competition. It was fun. Not exactly like FIRST but at least it was least stressful. You don’t have the big pressure in case you screw up badly since 1) it’s not air on T.V 2) you have more chances.
My team was a finalist.
I believe we got around 16th place out of 32. We beat Moanalua Middle School, and I believe we were the top out of the other moanalua teams; not that I am bragging.
Well I think I should give thanks to my team members:
· Joyce
a. Was able to calm me. This by the way is hard. Without her, her laptop wouldn’t have been any use to use. Lastly, she is fast and reliable.
· Huy
a. Good team captain. And very funny
· Kaitleen
a. We owe our documentation to her
· Daniel
a. I tried to think of something…
· Brennan
a. He built our whole entire robot and we could have done anything without him. Very calm..

Here is the link: