Friday, November 7, 2008

Episode 2

Hi people. Me and Ian are back And I have something to say. Ian is evil. Not Anna Evil.. Just mean.

So wat, bleh >:P

(smack) There we go. You know what he did??? Well we were walking out of fourth period and and was SAYING OUT LOUD that James was behind us. He could have heard!!

well i didnt say "JAMES" was behind us i just said he was behind us it couldve been any1 that i was talkin about, and plus it wasnt even that loud

-_- It obvious to a point of that he knows US. And well... when you said he is passing by Real loud that even Larissa even commented on it was loud. Would you guys do that to me?? Nope.. but i am not that mad at you ian. Just to a point that i might smack you once in awhile...

fine, and i dont remember larissa commenting on it and how do u know... wait, not goin into that might not live to see tomorrow\

See people. This is why I like Ian. He already knows.. that i have my ... "ways" She said it after 5th period when we were walking without you. God i a hate my fifth period. They are a bunch of freshmens.

hey, dont diss the freshmen, im a freshmen and im not that bad, although i have to admit alot of the freshmen that r here r stupid and i would like to dump them in the atlantic with a big bucket of chum and then let the sharks finish the rest MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:)

nice idea.. (walks away slowly..)

oh, u think thats bad u should of read my revenge story, the comment that came up the most from ppl is "i know who im not pissing off"

Is the story on the internet. P.S. you type slower than Tom...

ok 1st who is tom and 2nd its not on the internet yet...

yet? bummer.. Well, Tom is my big white brother Tina!! It's a long story.. Trust me. Anywho.. They did the drawing of goofy perfect.

yeah they did, its not half bad, but then again spike is pretty good at drawing, during fifth period hes always drawing some kind of picture

Spike??? Oh you mean the emo short guy??? Or some other short person???

hes not emo, at least i dont think he is, i think hes just a rocker, but yeah thats spike

you have a lot of short friends.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hey,.. and now a message

I am here in fourth period with Ian. Say hi ian.
So ian... how are you on this fine lovely day?
ian: ok i guess, kinda just want to go home and sleep through it
What about your girlfriend.. Forgetting about her too?
ian: ur never gonna let thia go r u??? shes doin fine
uhuh, okay,.. let's tell the folks at home... how bad i like james..
ian: k im up for that
... say something....
ian: like wat???
god.. i mean buddha.. so you don't think i am obsessed?
ian: yes u r obsessed
great conversation we having aren't we...?? Class is almost out...
ian: YAY FREEDOM!!!!!!! (nearly)
Science is next....

Bye people now a word from our sponsor....