Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hey,.. and now a message

I am here in fourth period with Ian. Say hi ian.
So ian... how are you on this fine lovely day?
ian: ok i guess, kinda just want to go home and sleep through it
What about your girlfriend.. Forgetting about her too?
ian: ur never gonna let thia go r u??? shes doin fine
uhuh, okay,.. let's tell the folks at home... how bad i like james..
ian: k im up for that
... say something....
ian: like wat???
god.. i mean buddha.. so you don't think i am obsessed?
ian: yes u r obsessed
great conversation we having aren't we...?? Class is almost out...
ian: YAY FREEDOM!!!!!!! (nearly)
Science is next....

Bye people now a word from our sponsor....

2 StickyNotes:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, obsessed with... James? Haha. How'd Ian go all the way to Texas??

Anonymous said...

james hmm? ian?
meetin new people now arent we?
forgetting us?!?

HA! what am i thinking! forget us! never in ur rite mind!

glad u found a new obd victim tho...SEND ME PICTURESSSSSSS!