The photo shoot that i done has finally been posted on the windward mall website. Let the front page picture sysle through and you will see me and two other girls.... RESPOND
Monday, July 21, 2008
THreee Strikes and your out!
Wow,... i can't believe you guys can't guess it. After how many times i have said this during FIRST and Botball.
"at first i thought snow...but texas shouldnt snow rite...i mean cuz its still pretty close to the equator...rite? RITE?!!?!?and i must disagree with anna: how does the red head following u to texas equal hell finally freezing over? Wouldn't it be more like...Heaven freezing over...or...wutever temperature heaven is :Dive got to've been stuck in a week of constant rain and the rain isnt letting just about died when you saw a red head/huy/brady/brennan look-a-like're just sad that your best friends are there and so its finally settled that hell has come to eat you...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! i shall win this guessing game! MUAHAHAHA-*coughcough*-ha...!"
this wasn't even close...
the closet person was Raymond:
"u finally realized that linkin park isn't as good as motion city or mae? i knew u'd snap out of it :P"
So here it is:
(scroll more)
I have fallen in love with the song "Forever" by CHRIS BROWN.
I will take a moment for you to calm yourselves down.
Yes i love this song... and yes hell has finally froze over.. i would love to hear what you have to say.
Written by RiSa during.. 7/21/2008 06:01:00 PM 4 StickyNotes
Hell has finally freezed over!
I know i may have you concerned for what ever i am about to tell you. Trust me, i am even scared. The impossible has happen. Can you guess? I will give you at least a day. Unless i can't keep it in no longer. Take as many guess as you want.
Written by RiSa during.. 7/21/2008 12:52:00 PM 3 StickyNotes