Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mint ice cream and Salsa

I don't know why, but i feel like i need to let something out. Something that has been boiling up inside for the past two day. But the thing is, i have no clue as to what it is. I shouldn't be feeling like this cause i am happy. Really happy... but yet for the past two days i felt like... a sloth. Just going around and doing nothing. I just don't get it. Im not due... so what is it? Maybe my mind in really going numb and is messing with my entire body functions...

okay that did not sound right at all.
Maybe its because it is sunday and sundays are left to watch soap operas while eating ice cream out of the tube while having your homework stare at you and you get paranoid but soon forget it cause you have ice cream. Actually salsa and mint ice cream does sound good.....
Okay im getting off topic here. Ugh, not even linkin park is Cheering me up. Not even Mike Shinoda. What is the world coming to?