Friday, August 15, 2008

Funny about Twilighters

Hey i was looking on the internet and i found this. To me it funny.

Dre: You have anything to share regarding Twilighters?
Laremy: [silence]
Dre: Yyyellow?
Laremy: They are mental.
Dre: Huh?
Laremy: They lined up at 8 for a Thursday noon panel.
Dre: Well, that's not so bad. That happens at Comic-Con.
Laremy: Dre ... 8 at night.Dre: Huh?
Laremy: That's pm.Dre: I ... see.
Laremy: That's 16 hours early. They CAMPED out.
Dre: Yes, yes ... I think I understand now.
Laremy: No. No, you don't. They wear homemade t-shirts that say "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob." They scream anytime that Cam guy appears on camera, anywhere in the world.
Dre: OK, OK. I got it.
Laremy: Listen, Dre. You ever see one of 'em ... damnit, you run. You run and you don't look back.
I didn't like where this was going but I got the picture. I signed off.
I can see Raymond particpating in the conversation.

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