Monday, August 18, 2008


Okay, now i am pissed. I was recently searching the internet and i came upon this:

How dare they?! Us twihards don't say crap about the potter people. They are just plain rude. I mean seriously, They are calling Twilight the Hannah montana lit. OMB!
" 'Twilight' is sort of like the 'Hannah Montana' of literature," Carpenter explained to MTV News. "If you're outside the 14-to-16-year-old age range, you might listen to it, and it might get stuck in your head, but it's not good literature. It's not really enriching your life the way 'Harry Potter' might."
Wow. I must say that Harry potter is enrishing your life by education your people into spells and witchcraft. Whereas, how CAN you relate to Harry in anyways? Do you get normally abused by your uncle? Go to boarding school?No way. At least in Twilight you relate. Like being insecure, dealing with divorced parents, moving to a different school. Those are the things that you can relate too.
But i am thankfull that all the comments don't agree with this article. I serious think that MTV is just wanting publicity and another juiy article.

2 StickyNotes:

Anonymous said...

something in the article said "Harry Potter is a community, Twilight's just about love and biting people." -_-;;; God...I MEAN BUDDHA! they need to die!

There is a community in there, and just cuz they dont talk about it 100% of the time like Harry Potter does to bore the hell out of you, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. -_-

Anonymous said...

i mean i guess to some guys *cough* walter *cough*, they dont really like the mushiness and lovey dovey stuff in twilight.. its more of i chick book :/ so yeaaa