Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday Time with the robot

Mood: tired as hell
Stomache status: bk for lunch and mrs. gregory's cookies for dinner :) yum
OBD Alert: Well, hehe... his name isn't pronouce like it is spelled. its: Hey-suest. It's spanish. Any way, he is cool. He has really dark brown eyes that are really creep in a cool way. Also he is a joker and a programmer.

Other than that our cero is having pms issues. I know we should have already complete the electronics but Mrs. Melendez is a bitch. Everything is hook up right but the cero isn't "talking " to the jaguars so the lights are blinking but we don't know what is wrong. It was working before then we updated the software then it just stop coroperating. Any idea's, pictures? HELP!!

1 StickyNotes:

Anonymous said...

i myself, do not understand the i need to start looking at it. sorry to disappoint you...but i have no idea whats going on, and we just spend the whole time playing games, or for joyce and andrew, kissing their faces off -_-