Sunday, February 1, 2009

we are in love, right?

OMG! Wow sorry if i haven't seen the other blog sooner but the school websites decided to now block blogspot. Those computer blockers are so gay. Anyways. I have news... on the OBD Front. His nickname is YU. Don't ask me why cuz it is beyond "long story" terms.
Anyway, here are the events of the past two days:

I came so close into getting into YU's car. He even has a red car. (if you remeber when we were coming back from the hale Koa, we were messing with nina about how Raymonds favorite color is red, and she kept on seeing red cars) He even has it "pimped" out with a stero system in the trunk. I was so mad when i decide to be responsible and not get into the car with him. (i blame you anna). I was so sad and came back into the classroom crying. I mean, he ask me! Me personally! TO GO WITH HIM!! I also cried that night.

The first thing that was said to me when i came into the classroom was, "See! she had the time to get ready this morning" said by YU. All that morning, I think he was trying to get my attention? He was messing with my hair, ( I had it up in braids) and he would dance all funny ( you know, like how i would dance when i am totally bored and being blunt.) everytime he would walk past me. Or he would be like "Rawr" only TO ME!!! And i would just smile and laugh. It went like it all day. Then, like at two, we took a break and YU brought his car up to the basketball court (i have a video on my phone. Not a good one but still, i will post it on youtube) and blare his music. (not screamo,... well maybe some songs). He was wearing a red shirt at the time, so he match his car. I stayed on the side lines, watching him cuz i am not good at soccer.

Overall , he is one point below Mike shinoda. And that is Amazing. He is smart, funny, stupid and caring all rolled up into a blonde head, green eye, guy.

he is with the red car. In the red shirt.

1 StickyNotes:

Anonymous said...

wow! youve been holding out on us -_-