Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sorry ><

Sorry that i haven't been able to post about my first few weeks of school. Everything has been hetic, and fustrating. I have switch to POE (Principles of Engineering) and dropped PE. But now i am thinking that i should have done that. For one, I have found out two things that i never thought was possible.
1) My teacher, Mr. Melvin is more boring than Mr. Sakayue when giving a lecture. At least Mr. Sakayue makes instead jokes and you add lib somethings.
2) I have found someone that could be equally or even worse than Daniel. Yes, i have said it. His name is Cody. I hate him. I want to kill him. And if Mr. Sakayue was reading this, he would say that Cody is my third husband. Did i mention how much i hate cody?

So far, school has been okay. I made a possible ASFAAWBFFE. Her name is Jessica. She is a freshman but she acts older than her age. And currently she won the OBD battle. There is this guy name Josh Roberts. He is quiet, hot, and basically like Jasper if you look really hard. But the thing is, Jessica is his next door neighbor and i have a class with him. SO we are fighting (not really) who gets him. But being the good person i am , i gave him to her. Maybe , hopefully, he wouldn't like her and like me,.. but hopefully.

Also, if you see me on tv, for mass murder. Blame the freshman. They are stupid. Really stupid. Like 4th gradfer stupid. So don't blame me and give me bail money.

Well, i have to go and Sleep. (Not really, i am going to watch the Forbidden Kingdom on my Ipod.)

2 StickyNotes:

Anonymous said...

Daniel, Cody. Wow. They're following you around O_O

Anonymous said...

loi yea iet core wit sakauyes pretty fun.. since were sooo tight wit him, u arent that scared of him and u can tease him and stuff xD i do that a lot. i tell everyone that hes deaf right in front of sakauye and he can hear xPP loi that totally proves my thought haha. We had to do this project thing with daily logs and im too lazy to log stuff down, so he ALWAYS takes my paper and checks it but then i hold my paper reeaallly tight and say "nooooooooo" and he gives up ><. and wen he tries to tell me stuff i dun wanna hear, i go "lalalalalala...." hehe yea i drive him nuts.. but i keep wishing that u were still here and in my class to drive him nuts wit me..=[ i miss u soooooo much marisa!!! T^T