Monday, September 1, 2008

Long post: Dedicated to the Nina

Did you know the tear, Nina, has back personal. Well, here they come. I would have to say that these two years of the time spent together has many funny memories. Mostly funny, others... just on the weird side. When enter math on the first day of school. My first thought was, and now don't kill me.. "She has a weird look on her face." But then i realized. It was the Nina look. Yeah i noticed that we were on the edge with each other. That is why i hid behind anna, or so tried. You and anna made my math period better. I still hate mrs. Link. I still think she should have given me a D. But hey. What goes around comes around...
One of the most memorable moment of eight grade was when they ditch us. I remember spending time in Mrs. Asato's class bored as hell. Us together is like setting off a huge bomb. From the bonding experience we could tell was too much when we ended up looking the same. Same pair of pants, same color shirt, and same shoes. Hell, I bet we still do it.
But i was happy they ditch us.
When we entered High school. The bonding continued. In the mornings it was a race to see who got there faster. I normally won, unless i was bringing jamba then we both win. I miss scaring Mr. Sakayue. It was soo funny. Since we would be talking then he would venture out of his office then stare at us like we were doing something wrong. Which we weren't, right nina? lol.
It was cool having our science classes with the same teacher. We study together. You yell at me when i say the test was easy.
Once first HURC started. We lived in Sakayues.
Being on the same team was funny. Even if the stupid korean got on my nerves. I remember jumping for joy when i thought Loreto was telling the truth that Daniel was gay. You looked at me and then said to anna, "She looks scary"
I lost my buddy in Botball and First.
Anna took you. Bad ANNA! jk!!!
I loved the parties you threw me. And the hidden surprises. One of the pictures from the box that was token at ice palace that said, it was your nina face. I keep it in my binder at a reminder of you. And i wear the friendship bracelet.
I even still have our banquet picture, I can see it. And your long hair.
If i ever happen to be in Hawaii. My first place to look for you is Sakayues. If not, i have to look by food stands, then your house!!!!

Oh and before i forget on purpose. Remember when you told me your middle name. That is part of the source were i find out all the information about the stuff happening in hawaii. And if you don't still understand what i am talking about, check your email. I am sorry. It was an insurance policy if you guys don't update me. I never opened anything personal. :)

P.S. The next post will be either about school or Anna. Or both... hehe..
PPS i did spell check.

2 StickyNotes:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

o yea btw...i planned the suprise parties and stuff mostly and anna... nina admitted that she was too busy wit raymond and forgot allll about ur presents and stuff.. so she procrastinated and thats y we were so late on giving u the stuff >< she was supposed to make u the cd for our songs but i had to do it instead...-_- and bcuz i had to rush, i forgot to put some songs on it...(ie YMCA xP) yea.. okay im done.. hopefully nina doesnt c this or she'd yell at me saying "thanks for making me feel like shit...AGIAN!" -_-