Thursday, September 18, 2008

Boredom Blues..

Yes, I am sad. Why you ask? Because I think history is going to repeat itself.
I don't know if i ever told you this but when I was in Aliamnu Middle school, I hit a friendship depression. It all started with Stephanie Sison. We were friends in the same homeroom until she became powerful i.e. popular. Then she turn everyone except my friend Brittany on me. THey hated me. They said names, accused me of unjust things. I ended up skipping one day of school to go to the beach because i couldn't stand them and i didn't want to end up in the cousnlers office again for crying. 7th grade was a horrid year for me.
The reason why i am telling you this because I think Jessica is going to be the next Stephanie. I just feel it because well, she is not like me or you. She is like Ester is some ways. She acts all preppy and bitchy and stuff. And i think she is going to take Larissa down with her. I mean, I am starting to feel a little uncomfortable around them already. I think part of the reason is because i am comparing everyone to you guys. But i don't know. Jessica is getting on my nerves too. She is soooo blonde. She is loud whiney and just stupid. She said i should quit robotics because it make me all geeky! What i really wanted to say was that "When i get into college and start working, i will be making twice as much money as you and have a set job already for me." But i didn't because i don't want to be lonely. Thats why i haven't left their group. Who would i go to? Who would i hang out with? I haven't been that social with people. I have been doing work. (oh and anna, everyone of my teachers think i am should be in AP! I am soooo happy). I feel kinda isolated. I mean, Robotics, well, i dunno. I don't have anyone to lean on. I am just scared. I really wish that you guys are here. I keep on imagining you guys with me and imgaining what you would say in certain situations. I need advice, please. I need real advice.

3 StickyNotes:

Anonymous said...

Anna was laffing -_- at you
but she claims she wasnt
dont listen to her
i swear
and dont worry
i empathize
and yay! texas is smarting u up xD
just wait until next year when we got to the texas regional XD

Anonymous said...

Walter asked why u dont look like ur model picture everyday xD
i think he thinks u look hot

Anonymous said...

wait.. is jessica the girl that reminds u of me? O_O

well maybe after robotics and everything starts, u'll find a new group of friends just like us.. and if they keep calling u a geek, then just say "so wut? i am a geek and im pround of it :P" i guess u should just hang out wit them until u find a group that u'll actually fit in..:/ cuz thats kinda wut i did. in the beginning of the year i hung out wit chelsea and then johanna and walter.. and only after robotics started, i grew closer to u guys so yea...
loi no one really gave u advice except me xP. Sorry i havent been on much or talk/text/im u moms being a frickin idiot -________-
okay ima go bak to finish editing my essay about u for english..its due tomorrow and this teachers soooo retarded...