Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dum Dum DAAAA....

Well, as you probably guess from the texts that i have sent out. We have finally picked our house to be build. It's not the greenwood or the silver bell; but the Lily. It is very cool and open. Some how, the picture of the plans that i have on my standard camera are gone.. somehow... But yeah. It should be built the earliest thanksgiving latest christmas. As soon as it is built i will give you my address. Another plus to that is that i will be going to Shoemaker high school. It is recongize for it terrific STEM program. So i will be on the robotics team. From what i have heard it that they placed third in the semi-finals last year and the year before they were in the finals. I will definately tell them about you guys so you have to raise enough money to come to texas. Speaking of texas i have some cool photos that i took that you migh be very interested in.

They have actually names a store after me!! I am everywhere. And it seems the birds like me.

We were around when we saw some cows around the road. And my first though was "Has Nina every seen a cow?" So here you go nina. Your own cow named after you. The funny part is this cow actually posed for me.

The next four pictures is an example when the clouds fall in love with the Sun. They cry with joy. This was taken with in ten minutes and two things happen. 1. The tempture 99 went to 73 degrees. 2. We could see six feet in front of us.

Well other than that, i am having a marykay facial. I will try to get some sample and send them to you. Oh and before i forget. "Get a clue" by Simon and Milo is my new theme Song. I love it. You should love it.

3 StickyNotes:

Unknown said...

Hmm...I wonder if you'll find a Lucy's around..HAHA

Anyways I'm still at home sitting in front of the computer screen and I think i need to go and shower...

Oh and be sure to ask Anna if she didn't already tell you about the fun leadership comference this past weekend...I did some pretty funny stuffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff...ok and I'll comment again later..


Unknown said...

rawr this this is hard to use...anyways

I wonder if there is a Lucy's around there...cuz according to Nina I'm famous right?

And if we can't get enough to come to Texas you guys can come here...=D

Well sayoz for now I gotsa shower from my very unproductive day at home so far...from the Loreto...

Anonymous said...

Jonathan is Loreto?? How confusing! Anyways, ah! Rainstorms are fun...but not when you're driving. My heart would've been pounding if I was in the car. But your mom and dad are probably experienced any-weather drivers. Mine aren't the best.

Btw, there is a Mickey's here, haha. Shucks, we never got to go *tear* The sun's super hot here. And the weather's this really irking humid thing, blah.

Yayness for the cows! And your house! Seeeend me pics of it when it's done. My kidnapping scheme will be completed then. Hahahaha xD Just kidding (or am I?)

Oh yeah, Loreto danced to "Touch My Body" during the leadership conference. And my eyes burnt off. Hahahahaha, JUST KIDDING LORETO!!!