Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More News...And Answer poll

So how has the challenge been going? Hope you have been having fun eh?

Anyways, just a heads up, once I am in the Hale Koa I don’t know if I will have any wireless service so I might not update until I get some. But I still have aim on my phone if you want to talk to me. I believe some rumors wrote by Kari about some little girl… well that is a big surprise that you are going to get. If you want to see it ask Kari, she has the DVD. And just a little warning, IF I SEE ANYTHING ON YOUTUBE SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET A BEAT DOWN. Other than that, my mom was thinking that on the twenty ninth, we can go see Wall E at the Ward Theater. Since SOMEONE wanted other activities. And as a clear, for the twenty eighth, my mom can only pick up Nina, Anna, and Joyce since the rental car may be small and I can’t put anyone else on the roof or the trunk. So if you want to come and you are not those people, you may want to ask around and maybe there can be a Carpool. All I know is Walter and Raymond…
As of today, I only have fourteen more days left and I don’t want it to end. I will miss all of you. You guys have such a big impact that I can say there is a little Asian. I would rather eat kimchee that any Texan food. I will spread the Asian ways to Texas, eating Panda with chopsticks watching people giving me weird looks. It’s worth it.
Enough with the sad faces… oh and make sure if you are coming to the Hale Koa,

  1. to
    Have a real bathing suit. (Nina…)
  2. Bring suntan lotion because I just got a bad sun burn on my belly and now it hurts to put on a bra.
  3. at least have 10 of cash on you.
  4. Raymond and Walter… have a ride home… sorry ><

    Also answer the poll… you better. It is for what we are going to rent at the beach and I know how we are at making decisions.

I have notice that Kari has been posting in the older blog. Are we still going to do it? it has been long put the posts looking back are extremely funny. i don't mind posting in those either if we want to keep it to the three of us or just combine it together where we all post. Let me know what you think and explain the reason the comments have been looking kinda short! ^^

3 StickyNotes:

Anonymous said...

1) I don't OWN a bathing suit...XP
2) wtf is a water bike?
3) i forgot wut number 3 was supposed to be...but yeah...
Me and Anna were gonna go Ice Palace on Sun...

Anonymous said...

1)for guys i assume swimming trunks will suffice
2)i think we're going ice palace with kelly on 29th?

Anonymous said...

"I will spread the Asian ways to Texas, eating Panda with chopsticks watching people giving me weird looks. It’s worth it." Hahahaha. But you totally own the Texan accent.
Um, okay, yeah, what Nina said. If we can somehow squeeze ourself out of Ice Palace (which, you know, we somehow will ;D) we're gonna go to Walle! Just lemme know what time, k? I got church in the morning ^^